I have a bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science from the University of Bergen, Norway.

The full course plan for the degree can be found at the university’s websites, but unfortunately, the relevant plan (admission in 2019) is only available in Norwegian.

Most of the course pages do however have an English version. A brief overview with links is provided below for the reader’s convenience. Programming languages used in the courses have been added in parentheses where relevant.

During my BSc, I had an exchange semester at the University of Bologna, Italy. The relevant courses from my exchange are appended to the list.

Courses in Cognitive Science at UiB
  • KOGVIT101 - Introduction to the Cognitive Sciences
  • INF100 - Introduction to Programming (Python)
  • EXFAC00SK - Basic Linguistics
  • DASPSTAT - Statistics for the Cognitive Sciences
  • LOG110 - Introduction to Formal Logic
  • LOG111 - Deduction and Meta-Logic
  • INF101 - Object-Oriented Programming (Java)
  • LING122 - Languages and Cognition
  • INFO282 - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Prolog)
  • INF122 - Functional Programming (Haskell)
  • FIL105 - Philosophy of Mind
  • PSYK120 - Biological and Cognitive Psychology
  • EXPHIL-PSSEM - Examen Facultatum in Psychology
  • INFO135 - Advanced Programming (Algorithms, Data Structures, and Programming) (Python)
  • INF223 - Category Theory
  • INF227 - Mathematical Logic
  • MAT121 - Linear Algebra

And instead of the following courses (left), I had the equivalent courses at the University of Bologna (right):

  • MAT111 -> 79184 - Calculus I
  • INF102 -> 91256 - Algorithms and Programming (Python)
  • Free credits -> 90106 - Ingegneria del Software (JavaScript)


I am currently in the second (and final) year of my master’s degree in Programming and System Architecture at the University of Oslo, Norway, with the software specialisation. 🌱

The courses I have taken at UiO are briefly summarised below.

Courses in Programming and System Architecture at UiO
  • IN5130 - Modelling Unassailable IT-Systems
  • IN5170 - Models of Concurrency
  • TEK5510 - Security in Operating Systems and Software
  • IN5570 - Distributed Objects
  • IN5580 - Computability Theory
  • INF5110 - Compiler Construction
  • Special Curriculum - Advanced Functional Programming, Semantics, and Types